Joplin, my (Potential) Evernote Replacement
April 20, 2020
I am an obsessive note-taker. Every call I am on has a note attached to it. I note who’s on the call, what the main topic is about, and then break things down based on questions and answers that everyone mentions on the call. Note-taking is a fantastic way to get your mind to empty with the information required. Rather than attempting to remember that I have a project due Tuesday, I have to change some CSS for my client and that I have another call set up for the following Friday, it’s all written down.…more
Processing Assets for Static app
March 14, 2020
Working with agencies, I have found they tend to deliver assets in all kinds of different ways. Some prefer Photoshop or Illustrator (or, to my horror, Indesign). Others buck the tranditional and go for Figma or Sketch. At the end of the day, sometimes I just need a clean view of what I’m working on regardless of the tools. One long term build involved a completely static app, which meant a static background with all elements contained in a single JPG background image, with invisible “hot spot” links on top where applicable.…more